Mark ECEM10 ECEM 10
Conference Overview

Wednesday, September 22
When What Where
17:30-19:00 Registration (A) zaal 8
19:00-20:00 Reception, Get together (A) Senaatszaal
A = Academie Gebouw

Thursday, September 23
When What Where
09:00-10:00 Invited Lecture
The human vestibulo-ocular response to transient head rotations
H. Collewijn
(E) Megaron
10:00-10:20 Coffee/Tea (E & B) foyer
10:20-12:30 Oral Presentations
(Anti)Saccades (E) Megaron
Space perception (B) U-Raadszaal
12:30-13:30 Lunch (E) restaurant
13:30-14:45 Poster Presentations (E) hall
14:45-16:25 Oral Presentations
Reading: recognition (E) Megaron
Pursuit & Vergence (B) U-Raadszaal
16:25-16:45 Coffee/Tea (E) foyer
16:45-17:45 Invited Lecture
Saccades and scanpaths: models of cognitive processing
C. Kennard
(E) Megaron
09:00-18:00 Equipment Exhibition
(except between 10:20-12:30 and 14:45-16:25)
(B) U-Raadszaal
E = Educatorium, B = Bestuurs Gebouw

Friday, September 24
When What Where
09:00-10:00 Invited Lecture
Eye movements and cognition
J. Epelboim
(E) Megaron
10:00-10:20 Coffee/Tea (E & B) foyer
10:20-12:30 Oral Presentations
Neurophysiology (E) Megaron
Reading: PLP (B) U-Raadszaal
12:30-13:30 Lunch (E) restaurant
13:30-14:45 Poster Presentations (E) hall
14:45-16:25 Oral Presentations
Saccade: top-down, bottom-up (E) Megaron
Special interest session
Developmental and clinical aspects of antisaccade task performance
(B) U-Raadszaal
16:25-16:45 Coffee/Tea (E) foyer
16:45-17:45 Invited Lecture
The ecological validity of laboratory experiments on the saccadic system
J.M. Findlay
(E) Megaron
09:00-18:00 Equipment Exhibition
(except between 10:20-12:30 and 14:45-16:25)
(B) U-Raadszaal
18:00 Excursion to TNO Soesterberg
Subscribe at the information desk.
(the number of participants is limited)
E = Educatorium, B = Bestuurs Gebouw

Saturday, September 25
When What Where
09:00-10:00 Invited Lecture
The generation of antisaccades: development and dyslexia
B. Fischer
(E) Megaron
10:00-10:20 Coffee/Tea (E & B) foyer
10:20-12:30 Oral Presentations
Saccade: fixation, memory and anticipation (E) Megaron
Clinical studies (B) U-Raadszaal
12:30-13:30 Lunch (E) restaurant
13:30-14:00 Poster Presentations (E) hall
14:00-15:20 Oral Presentations
Vestibularly induced eye movements (E) Megaron
Special interest session
Event-related brain potentials and saccadic eye movements
(B) U-Raadszaal
15:20-15:40 Coffee/Tea (E) foyer
15:40-16:40 Invited Lecture
Binocular co-ordination: Can the Hering-Helmholtz controversy be resolved?
W.M. King
(E) Megaron
09:00-17:00 Equipment Exhibition
(except between 10:20-12:30 and 14:00-15:20)
(B) U-Raadszaal
19:00 Conference Dinner Janskerk
E = Educatorium, B = Bestuurs Gebouw

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Last modified: April 11, 2001 by Pieter Schiphorst