How to submit — ECEM 2022

Symposia Submissions

Proposals for symposia on key topics relevant to ECEM should be submitted by email to no later than March 18, 2022. Each symposium will take place during a 2-hour session and should comprise six talks of 20 minutes each (i.e., approximately 15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes for questions). Note that we will also consider symposia with 4 (rather than 6) speakers, in recognition that many labs may have had less opportunity to collect human experimental data during the COVID-19 pandemic. Symposium submissions should relate to the study of eye movements from a psychological, neurobiological, clinical, computational or applied perspective, focused around a central topic and designed to provoke debate.

To submit a proposal, please send an email to specifying the symposium organiser(s) and providing a title for the symposium, an abstract of 200 words maximum outlining the proposed topic, and a list of proposed speakers who have already agreed in principle to participate along with a working title for each of their talks. We strongly encourage organisers to seek to represent the diversity of researchers in the field by aiming for equal representation of male and female speakers and including members of under-represented groups where possible. We also encourage organisers to include at least one early-career researcher as a proposed speaker.

We will acknowledge receipt of submission and notification of symposium acceptance will be sent by the end of March. After acceptance, symposium participants will submit their abstract as a regular abstract (200 words maximum), indicating that this will be given as part of a symposium. It is the responsibility of the symposium organiser to ensure that symposium participants submit their abstract on time.

Talk / Poster Submissions

The deadline for submissions of talk and poster presentations is EXTENDED TO FRIDAY 15TH APRIL, 2022. Talks should report completed empirical work relating to the study of eye movements from a psychological, neurobiological, clinical, computational or applied perspective. Posters may present completed research or research in progress.

Each talk or poster submission should have an informative title, provide a full list of authors and affiliations, indicating which author is the corresponding author, an abstract of 200 words maximum outlining the proposed presentation, and include 3 keywords that identify the topic. Please select an option to indicate whether you prefer a talk or poster submission.

We cannot guarantee authors' preferences for a talk or poster presentation. Depending on the number of submissions we receive, some presentations submitted as talks might have to be presented as posters. Authors will be informed in the acceptance email if a submitted talk has to be presented as a poster instead.

Submissions should be made using EasyChair via the following link. Please note that you will need to create an EasyChair account before you can submit your abstract.